Being Mindful of The House In Which We Live

When we take the time to be mindful of our bodies, with its complex systems and functions, it seems unimaginable that, for the most part, we take it for granted.  Unless we are in a body-oriented profession, or are ill, we rarely think about the marvels of the Digestive System, the Immune System, the Endocrine System, or any of our bodies’ systems and tasks that sustain us throughout our lifetime.


But our bodies can’t do it alone!  Our bodies are a direct link to mindfulness.  When we consciously take care of our bodies in the most basic ways: drinking water, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, exercising, then we are honoring the house in which we spend our lifetime.


It is very difficult to take care of our bodies when we are living with acute or chronic stressors.  Stress competes with the energy we need to engage in our daily activities, relationships and responsibilities.  Over time, our bodies develop a high tolerance for stress and the ways in which we try to numb ourselves.


Even so, our faithful bodies continually try to signal us in ways that we don’t often hear.  Our bodies can be our best ally, communicating with us when we are over-doing it, letting us know that it’s time to ease up and take a step back.  Our bodies are responsive when we listen.  All we have to do is pay attention.

Karen's CogBlog is a blog that provides a therapeutic portal into universal life experiences.