The scope of regret spans from unpleasant to agonizing.
It is painful to live in this space, where by its very nature, you don’t experience regret until it is too late. If you look in the mirror and recognize regret staring back at you, then you understand that you missed a lost opportunity, which you can never get back.
The ultimate regret is when you intend to call or visit a friend or relative, who perhaps may be elderly or sick, to tell them you are sorry or that you love them. Your life gets so busy and many diversions get in the way of following through on your intentions. Then your friend or relative passes away before you have the chance to see them. Now you may be left not only with sorrow, but with relentless regret as well.
When the intensity of sorrow begins to soften, recognize that you still have the rest of your life to act in ways that will not generate regret. Next time, you will visit or make that call. You will speak the sentiments that need to be expressed. This intention will help you move on.